Professional Writing Skills

Grammar and Writing Skills

Weekday Course (48 hours)

Aim of Course

This is the perfect short course (48 contact hours in duration, meeting twice a week over 12 weeks) for working professionals in Singapore whose first language is not English and is focused on improving and demonstrating your grammar and writing skills across a range of formats including mails, memos, reports, agendas, minutes of meeting and social media.

Learning benefits:

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • identify, understand and apply the critical rules of grammar, including punctuation, in your writing
  • identify and self-edit common errors in word formation and sentence structure

Course Learning Outcomes

Develop & demonstrate your grammar and writing skills while communicating with customers and colleagues across a range of business contexts.

Develop and demonstrate the skill to:

  • identify and classify the word classes of the English word family and how they influence word order in writing sentences
  • to use key features of punctuation usage in business correspondence by using commas; semi-colons; colons and hyphens appropriately and accurately
  • to use quantifiers to write about quantity and how they combine with different types of nouns to convey precise meaning in business correspondence
  • to know when to use and not use articles and prepositions in business correspondence
  • to use helping verbs to convey precise meaning in constructing questions and varying tenses in business correspondence and eliminating mistakes
  • to use conjunctions and linking words to link your ideas more cohesively in different types of business correspondence
  • to use precise phrasing and functional language to avoid word redundancy in email writing
  • to use different tones of formality in your email writing to meet the needs of your target audience
  • to use modal verbs to convey precise meaning and different levels of formality in your business correspondence
  • to use alternatives active words to modal verbs in formal writing to use the passive voice in different types of formal business correspondence
  • to bring your language to life by using adjectives and adverbs to describe your products and services on social media.